How to Travel With all Your Skincare Products in Hand Baggage

Men do not need to buy everything at the airport   

Ladies can avoid the fuss when travelling with men and their small bags

Customs limit liquids up to 100ml but you can take as many items as you like

I can – if I must, travel for a week with only hand baggage and all my beauty products in my own travel size bottles with the amounts and sizes that I calculate for the time away

BA Airport rules:  Liquids in hand baggage.  When passing through airport security screening:

  • Each liquid you carry must be in its own container of no more that 100ml (3.4 ounces).
  • All liquids should be carried in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag of up to 20cmx20cm (8inx8in) with a total capacity of up to a litre approximately (one quart).
  • You must be able to completely close the bag and be able to fit it in your hand baggage.

This means you can have up to a litre of liquids as long as the containers are no bigger than 100ml each.

You can also take:

  • Knitting needles and crochet hooks
  • Tweezers
  • Disposable and cartridge razors (not loose blades)
  • Small round ended/blunt scissors/knives (blades measuring up to 6cm).

Be careful with this, as I took hair scissors measuring up to 6cm and they took them from me because they were too sharp. You cannot buy nail scissors anywhere at the airport.

Collect or even buy small containers. I never throw any jars or beauty containers away if there is a chance I can use them again.

Keep any small jars that contained eye cream, cream blusher, free samples, jars from Christmas gifts.

A lot of miniatures look like they are just disposable when empty but if you play around with them you will find the lid or top will come off. Most pump containers and plastic sprays will be refillable. It’s the atomisers that don’t and they are normally a perfume spray.

You can wash them out and let them dry thoroughly. Fairy Liquid Original Green is a good cleaner for jars and your make up brushes as it cuts through grease. You can even use it on your hair when you can’t get a product out as long as you use your normal shampoo afterwards and a good conditioner.

Look at the sizes and learn them and you soon work out how much you will use on a three day trip or a whole week. And you get to know the difference between fluid ounces and milligrams.

I like to take all of my beauty regime with me and I can now get it in to two small cosmetic bags which is less than two Airport clear bags and that’s including makeup. I have seen women with four clear bags.

You can take as much as you like as long as each container is 100ml or less.

Nearly every product you use can be miniaturised. Items that are in a tube can be squeezed into your own jar but make sure you label it or you will forget what is in it.

Do not leave the products for too long. You will find that you top them up but do remember the shelf life of the mixture that is underneath the new mixture that you have topped up. So empty them out at least once a year or earlier and wash them out and start again.

  • My daily face wash goes in to a 15ml jar.
  • If you use a toner for your face then that can go into a 100ml bottle.
  • Serums can go into a jar.
  • Your moisturiser can go into a plastic bottle, jar or pump.
  • Foundation can go into a jar or a bottle.
  • If your powder is in a compact then it is fine so is your blusher if it is powder as they are not liquids.
  • Cream blusher in a compact is regarded as a liquid and so is lipstick.
  • Loose powder can go into a jar that is either wide enough for your brush or use a smaller brush.
  •  I use Simple Face Wipes and they come in a Travel Size pack of seven. Get travel size toothpaste.
  • Hair gel can go into a 50ml jar

Unfortunately deodorant cannot go through. I got stopped going through customs with a travel size deodorant which I thought was a powder. (It said so on the label). The lady sprayed it on to her hand and showed me that it actually turns into liquid. I had to go into Boots at the airport and they did not have any travel size deodorants.

You can collect samples by asking for them every time you buy a beauty product. Chanel can be mean as they are fussy who they give them to and Dior. Ask for samples every time you purchase your cosmetics. Keep asking - as I often wonder if the sales girls keep them as it is so hard to receive them no matter how much you have purchased.

I don’t normally cover hair but you can do the same with most of the products. The larger Boots sell travel size toiletries.

You can put your favourite detergent in a container. I always use Ariel powder hand wash as it is better than using shampoo to wash any clothes.

Sun creams you can buy at the airport with other essentials you may need.

For me it is the sun creams that I haven’t got my head around yet. At my age I need the anti ageing ones and I need one for my face which has to be tinted as well, and another for my body. Of course you can get them for both but I like different factors and I like them all with me and I can’t guarantee finding them on arrival. This is when I call myself D’Eva Lewis.

Note to the ladies

For short trips I carry a cabin bag and I can slide a laptop into its side pocket when it is business. A large shopping type handbag with long straps and that sits on the cabin bag so I walk without carrying. A small handbag inside of that crammed with small soft items so that it doesn’t go out of shape. Once you get through customs you can have lots of carrier bags. You can always stuff the pockets of a raincoat or jacket.


See also: Skin Care For The Man on the Go

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